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The Fed Will Make Sure Obama Wins in 2012

The presidential campaign headquarter is in complete denial. A double-dip recession and high unemployment aren't the only factors to derail Obama's re-election chances. It is also a dismal consumer confidence, low job approval numbers, and the poor poll numbers with the Libyan and Afghanistan war that will give the president problems.

To make assumptions that the Republicans don't have a superior candidate is inaccurate and desperate. Any GOP candidate can bet Obama. Voting Obama for a second term means another four more years of the same old crap. There is no way to improve economical conditions of this country because Obama's idiotic ideology is getting in the way. By destroying the dollar, this country will see a severe inflation that will lead into another severe recession.

(CNBC) As we approach next year's presidential elections, the chances of President Barack Obama being ousted by a rival from either side of the political divide are low, according to Thanos Papasavvas, the head of currency management at Investec Asset Management.

“History is very much on the side of the incumbent President and unless we have a double-dip recession with a significant increase in unemployment I don’t believe Obama will lose 2012,” Papasavvas said in an interview with CNBC on Thursday.

“On the economic side, any signs of a deteriorating economic environment will see the Fed enacting QE3 (the third round of quantitative easing, or creating money) and hence indirectly reducing the probability of the economy derailing Obama,” Papasavvas added.

With the Republicans divided and no major rival yet to emerge, Papasavvas believes the American right wing will keep its powder dry for 2016 when four years of fiscal austerity will play into their hands.

“With no credible Republican heavyweight to face Obama, even those who have indicated their intent to run like Mitt Romney are unlikely to burn significant political or actual capital for 2012 preferring instead to wait for the 2016 election,” said Papasavvas.

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