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Marilyn's Royal Blog is back!!!

Dear Visitor,

If you're a visitor to my blog (or if you subscribe to a service that let's you know when I've changed it), you may have noticed that I've updated several times today.

I'm currently trying out another blog program - experimenting if you will, and I decided to import some of my articles over to the new blog, which is www.royalchronicles.wordpress.com. It's not a permanent move, I'm just trying it out. I'm thinking that I will eventually move this blog to a website, but I don't think that's going to happen very soon. When it does, I'll let you know.

Anyways, once I did this, I went back into Blogger and found my blog had practically disappeared (links, current articles, profile, even the template, you name it, it was gone) , except for a list of my archives and a friendly re-direct to wordpress. so that you too can get a wordpress blog! Not what I had in mind.

My only consolation was that all of my articles were still in Blogger - Phew! You don't know how relieved I was about that. Meanwhile, I was panicking and almost in tears trying to figure out where this blog had gone. I've worked very hard on this blog and I'm proud of it and the last thing I wanted is to have it disappear.

Thankfully I had some friendly help and I was able to calm down and repair my blog. The idea of having to go in and upload 90 articles, and try and add all of the links to other sites again was daunting to say the least. Luckily calmer heads prevailed with good advice and I don't have to do that.

The moral of this story is: Always keep a back-up copy of your template!

Thank you for your patience and thanks for visiting

Marilyn :o)

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