First of all, I'd like to congratulate you on your book. Why did you choose Someday my Prince will Come as the title?
To be honest, the title was my publisher’s choice. The original title I had envisioned for the book was Lie Back and Think of England -hence the girl lying down and thinking of England on the cover! This title was also a playful double entendre for the popular saying used by Victorian women to remind themselves of their childbearing duty to the British Empire. However, at the last minute, my publisher decided that most readers would not understand the double meaning and that we had better think of a new, more commercial title asap! I suggested many options including “Can I have your Throne Number?” – but eventually we settled on Someday my Prince will Come because of my affinity with Snow White.
To a degree I found the title Someday my Prince will Come to be somewhat of a contradiction. After all, you don't wait for your prince to come; you go out and get him. Do you think this is something wannabe princesses have to do nowadays?
You’re right. I certainly wasn’t waiting for my prince to come to me! I mean, even if my prince was actively looking for me, my hometown was so far away from any civilization (the nearest city was a six hour drive in any direction), there was no way he’d be able to find me! But, yes – just like with anything you want from life – be it a career as an astronaut, a degree from Harvard, or marriage to a prince – you can’t just sit around waiting for it to happen. You must take destiny into your own hands and go after what you want with all of your heart.
When did you get the idea to write this book? Were you recording your
I decided to write this book about 3 years ago, after many events in my life had come full circle. I’ve always kept a small diary, but luckily I also possess what I’ve been told is a superhuman memory. While I almost never remember things that I’ve read, – I can usually tell you what anyone said or wore at almost any occasion sometimes as far back as 15 years ago. And I have to say this definitely made things easy for me once I sat down to write the book!
You mentioned making a pilgrimage to Althorp and visiting Diana's grave. Earlier in the book you also mention Princess Masako of Japan. Knowing the experiences these two women have gone through, you didn't seem even remotely disillusioned by it. Why do you think that is?
I never wanted to become a princess because I thought it was going to be a painless or pampered life. On the contrary. One of the major things that always attracted me to princesshood was the amazing sacrifice these rare women made for their countries. The idea of living a life of duty - for the sake of your subjects, rather than yourself - still brings tears to my eyes.
One of things I loved about Diana more than anything else - more than her stunning beauty and more than her royal title – was that she genuinely understood the unique and far-reaching power of being a Princess. Wherever she went, for better or for worse, Diana knew the press would follow – yet she had the principles and the courage to use this incredible power to draw the world’s attention away from herself and onto those that needed it most.
While of course I wanted Diana’s wardrobe, palaces and parties (what little girl wouldn’t?), I also yearned for that distinctively royal strength: to be able to think beyond yourself any situation.
As I was mingling at your book launch party, I asked people what they thought of your goal. A few people reacted by saying 'well, that's Jerramy!' How did you maintain such focus despite this type of attitude? Was there anyone who actually supported your goal?
Yep – most of my family and friends simply humored me –and viewed my princess complex as just a quirky and rather amusing endearment. I always knew that when it came to my royal ambitions, I was pretty much on my own – but it never bothered me for a second. They were welcome to stay in their “real world” – I had other plans!
You have several setbacks throughout your story, yet you still maintained such a strong faith and belief in yourself and your goal. It's remarkable, actually. What do you attribute that to?
I know it sounds strange, but it was almost as if I didn’t have a choice. I simply HAD to come to England. And I simply HAD to stay in England. And I simply HAD to meet Peter Phillips. Every logical fiber in my body told me to give up and go home and start leading a nice, normal American life. But the pull I felt in my heart was more powerful than anything I can describe - and fighting it was futile.
As I was reading, I couldn't help but think your story would make a good movie. Someday my Prince will Come with Joan Collins as the Queen, Hugh Grant as himself... Who would play you?
I would love for Someday my Prince will Come to be a movie! (I’ve actually had a dream that Hugh Grant agreed to produce and star in it! Hopefully it will come true!) As for the lead actress, my first choice is Kate Hudson. She can be silly and innocent, as well as prim and proper – and there’s the added bonus that she was raised by bohemian parents who have a house in Colorado.
In Part Two of my interview with Jerramy Fine she discusses Gordon Brown's sex appeal, the lessons she's learned, and her next book.
© Marilyn Braun 2008
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