2 oz butter
2 oz cheese, grated
1 heaped teaspoon plain flour
1 teaspoon castor sugar
2 - 2 1/2 pints of water
French bread slices
Slice the onions into thin rings. In a thick pan, heat the butter then add the onion rings and season well. Keep stirring carefully over a medium heat, taking care not to burn the onions, until their color changes to golden brown. This should take at least 20 minutes. Next, steadily add the flour, stirring all the time. Pour in the water and sugar, and allow the pan to simmer gently for 15 minutes.
Spread the slices of French bread with a thin layer of butter and then evenly cover them with grated cheese. Now arrange them in a hot soup tureen and carefully pour in the soup. Cover the tureen and keep it warm for 5 minutes before serving.
Sieve the onions before pouring the soup into the tureen.
Evenly brown the bread and cheese beneath a hot grill before placing in the tureen.
Use vegetable stock instead of water and good dripping instead of butter.
From the book: Dinner at Buckingham Palace Page 41
© Marilyn Braun 2008
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