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The Royal Tour of Canada - Day Eight

Britain's Queen Elizabeth looks at a gift, a handheld Blackberry device, at Research in Motion in Kitchener, Ontario July 5, 2010. Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty (R) accompanied the Queen on a tour of the RIM manufacturing facility and is showing her how it operates. REUTERS/Fred Thornhill (CANADA - Tags: POLITICS SCI TECH BUSINESS ROYALS) Admit it. When we visit countries on vacations or for business, or for royal tours, we like taking souvenirs back with us and not declaring them. In this case, the Queen and Prince Philip toured the Research in Motion factory in Waterloo where Blackberrys are made. She was presented with one of her own, with no bells and whistles other than an image of children holding out flowers.

Will she declare it? I can see it now:

Hapless customs agent: Do you have anything to declare?

The Queen's minions: (Nervous but trying to sound casual) No, nothing other than a St James Cathedral tea towel..

Hapless customs agent: Wait a moment, didn't the Queen receive a Blackberry...Why yes she did! Here's the photographic proof!

Hapless minion sighs and begins filling out the paperwork.

© Marilyn Braun 2010

Image via PicApp

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