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Kate Middleton Isn't Your Whipping Post

I'm all for being a law abiding citizen. It works for me. But when recent news reports trumpeted Kate Middleton with a cell phone in her hand while either driving or sitting in a car (it's arguable when looking at the photos), it made me mad. OK, sure it looks as though she broke the law. If she did break the law, she should not be above it or the consequences of doing so. I don't have a problem with that at all.

However, tell me, how many of those people who are making an example of her haven't done the same thing? Maybe it might even be you and you just haven't been caught yet. It's good to live in your glass house, isn't it? Aren't you lucky to not have a pack of paparazzi following you and your every move?

But see, this isn't about a driving with a cell phone. It's not about public safety. It's about making Kate into a whipping post. The Kate-haters looking for any reason to criticize her. The media with a slow news week pouncing on this supposed "story". Driving safety advocates, while not making an example of her, weighing in on the dangers of using a cell phone while driving. So, what do you think they're doing then?

Jumping on the bandwagon.

Enjoy it while it lasts. In a week they'll go back to their lost cause of preventing the problem and the Kate-haters will sharpen their claws until the next excuse comes along.

But authorities are supposed to throw the book at her, aren't' they? She's not above the law. You're absolutely right on that count. They can fine her but that won't be enough, will it? Would knowing she's been fined make you happy? I doubt it. You'll probably use the receipt as kindling while attaching her to the stake. Kate will be made the poster child for this issue. Maybe, if she becomes royal she can become a patron of said driving safety organization? Would that satisfy you?

How many of you are truly incensed enough to make this a safety issue? Maybe you would put together a petition? You could become a catalyst for change. Will you go to the police and report it? Give them a call and let them know you're coming. Or will you simply continue to post vicious comments on message boards? Only you know the answer to that.

She may have broken the law. But where I come from, she's innocent until proven guilty. I'm tired of her being made a whipping post for peoples jealousy and insecurities.

There ought to be a law for that too.

© Marilyn Braun 2008

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